Inspired | A Big Rock Fish Story

2017 - Jarrett Bay Boatworks Documentary

Project highlights:

Video Production | Editing | Producing

In 2017 Jarrett Bay Boatworks contracted Lift Films to produce a video for advertising during the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament. Casey and Cole’s story about their recent tournament win had been on our list of video ideas for a while and was the obvious choice for this project. The only challenge with telling this story was that we lacked the time and budget to go offshore fishing to shoot b-roll. We would have to rely on the interviews we were shooting as well as archival footage and photos from past tournaments. Casey and Cole are incredible fisherman with a long history with the Big Rock Tournament. Their ability to articulate their story made this video what it is.

Director/Editor/DP - Luke Pearson

Interviewees - Casey Wagner, Cole Wagner

Tournament Archival Footage - Luke Pearson / Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament

The Project


Tip of the Spear


Born to Fish. Built to Win.